Book Name: A Ten Year Framework for Afghanistan
Executing the Obama Plan and Beyond....
A Report by the Atlantic Council
By: Ashraf Ghani
April 2009
The Obama administration’s new strategy for Afghanistan and Pakistan presented Afghanistan and
the region with renewed opportunities for success . The rapid deterioration of security and governance in Afghanistan will force the United States and its allies to focus on urgent and immediate
steps to help bring about rapid progress to war-weary publics, particularly before the August 2009
presidential elections in Afghanistan .
However, short-term policies and actions will not be enough to achieve the goals of a self-sustaining, effective, and accountable Afghan government . This report makes the case that for the Obama
administration to translate its defined goals and strategy for Afghanistan into achievements on the
ground, it must adopt a broad, medium-term framework that responds to the needs and aspirations
of the Afghan people .
By diagnosing the threats and opportunities that face Afghanistan and offering a coherent approach to state-building, this report offers an excellent guide for building on the new U .S . strategy
and creating a functional state accountable to the needs of its people . It points essentially toward
an implementation strategy for the Obama administration, if it is to have longer term success .
This report is the product of the diligent efforts of Dr . Ashraf Ghani, former Afghan Minister of
Finance and Chairman (on leave) of the Institute for State Effectiveness . The Atlantic Council
has profited enormously from Dr. Ghani’s energies and brilliant insights as a member of both
its International Advisory Board and the Program on International Security’s Strategic Advisors
Group (SAG) . The Atlantic Council is grateful for Dr . Ghani’s efforts in drafting this report and
recognizes the important contributions by his aide Blair Glencorse .
With its important implications for the NATO Alliance and the broader South Asia region, this
publication is a joint effort between the SAG and the Atlantic Council’s South Asia Center . The
Council wishes to recognize Franklin D . Kramer and Julian Lindley-French for their important
contributions to the draft as members of the SAG, Shuja Nawaz for his oversight of the project effort as Director of the South Asia Center, and Assistant Director Jeffrey Lightfoot for coordinating
the effort
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